
Malin Grahn-Wilder

Malin Grahn-Wilder works as the principal investigator of the project. Her research scrutinizes the notions on racialization in Ancient Greek and Roman materials.


She is interested in the different explicit and more subtle narratives of inclusion and exclusion in Ancient texts and exploring how the reoccurring xenophobic tendencies in these texts affect the very theory formation itself. The methodology of intersectional feminism helps her to analyze the intersections and parallels between different categories such as ‘woman’, ‘slave’ an ‘barbarian’.  


She believes that a critical and systematic study of past thinkers can, at its best, also challenge our present-day conceptions and widen our understanding of the history of philosophy. 

This project builds on her previous research on gender in Ancient philosophy. You can read more about her scholarship here

Martina Reuter

Martina Reuter is coinvestigator and will work as a full-time team member for one year funded by the Kone Foundation. She is PI for the project Gender in Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy (2022-2026), funded by the Academy of Finland, and coinvestigator in the partnership Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy (2020-2027), funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and 12 partner institutions.

Reuter specializes in Early Modern and Enlightenment philosophy. She has worked on different kinds of early feminist arguments and is currently especially interested in the complicated relationships between equality, similarity, and difference. As team member she will study the intersections between Olympe de Gouges’ views on women and on those she calls “blacks”. The aim of the analysis is to achieve a deeper understanding of Gouges’ views on the relation between equality and difference. Gouges’ views will be contextualized by comparing them to the arguments concerning equality and difference developed during the same period by Africana philosophers such as Quobna Ottobah Cugoano.

Houman Auriell

Houman Auriell is a photographer and videographer, born in Iran and living in Finland. He loves to work both with research and art projects and bring the two of them together in his work. He produces videocasts for the project’s Youtube channel, and takes photos for the project’s website and social media. You can find out more about his work here: